Baby bash No more fanboyism for this guy

Baby bash

No more fanboyism for this guy. Just gonna enjoy my games and Posted Jan 29, 2008 8:42 am PT Posted Jan 29, 2008 6:57 am PT Posted Jan 28, 2008 8:01 pm PT Posted Jan 28, 2008 7:15 pm PT Only a few months, and I can get an HDTV, and I can get play I Am Legend on my PS3 on BRD. Glad Blu-ray finally won this crap. With all those big name announcements in the last month or so, everything else is just small fries from here on out for the most part. Posted Jan 28, 2008 5:15 pm PT is there a link to this news? Posted Jan 28, 2008 5:06 pm PT The war of Blue-ray Vs HD-DVD is something which I dont care much about, cause I still havent bought a nice LCD or plasma Tv to see the Posted Jan 28, 2008 4:48 pm PT Being a PS3 owner, nothing excites me except another win by the bluray The games have been a great let down on the PS3 but if bluray saves it, eventually were gonna get nice games! Posted Jan 28, 2008 4:23 pm PT some more good news for sony, blu-ray was the right decision Posted Jan 28, 2008 4:20 pm PT For me the format war is over because all of my favorite movies are from Warner Bros. Blu-Ray has won, even though I have an Xbox 360, but still I like Blu-Ray. Posted Jan 28, 2008 4:04 pm PT look blu-ray has a bigger base, right now. ps3 isnt doing as well as 360 which is trying to back the hd-dvd system, get 360 to back blu-ray and its over. until that i think that blu-ray will get victory after victory right up until its dropped off the market like a brick over a cliff. Posted Jan 28, 2008 3:58 pm PT Steven McGunigel puts the success of the Blu-ray format down to its being included in the PlayStation Well Ill be, Sony baby bash right about it. I should have known that they paid ten people much smarter than me to figure this out and, well, they got it right. Go Sony! Posted Jan 28, 2008 3:49 pm PT In the long run they lost a HUGE marketshare in the gaming industry and even though BD has the upper-hand over HDDVD, it hasnt even become a blip on the screen when compared to overall DVD sales The ps3 has been out for 1 year. Since when is 1 year the long run. anyway it had a huge sales surge in december. The ps3 as a system is a great piece of hardware. There isnt much denying that. lack of great games? perhaps. but then, the 360s first year really had nothing. gears was year I bought a 360 when GoW came out and even though I have had to send in my 360 for a new one, I am still glad I got a chance to play it and games like mass effect and bioshock. point is: stop being a fanboy. It just really makes you look like an idiot. Posted Jan 28, 2008 3:46 pm PT Blu-ray will win, like others have said Microsoft should have bitten the bullet and put a HD-DVD player in the 360 from the start and this war would be going the other way, Im just glad to see an end to the war. Posted Jan 28, 2008 3:39 pm PT Posted Jan 28, 2008 3:39 pm PT Who cares which one is slightly technically superior? Blu-ray sounds so much better than HD-DVD. Just like how VHS was more pleasant on the baby bash compared to betamax. Posted Jan 28, 2008 3:38 pm PT Posted Jan 28, 2008 3:36 pm PT I dont really understand why everyone is down rating baby bash comement since its true. Blu-Ray is the only format by Sony that was well marketed and succesfull. Just look at beta max, MD and UMD and tell me im wrong. Sony was the main reason both the CD and the DVD took off. Blu ray is following the same path. So you arent wrong but you arent really right either Posted Jan 28, 2008 3:27 pm PT Because Warner went blu-ray exclusive, was imo the final blow to HD-DVD. i mean, how would Hd-dvd recover from that? there wasnt enough HD-DVD exclusive support to keep them afloat Posted Jan 28, 2008 3:25 pm PT Sony did a great job of distracting their fans with all this Blu-Ray hoopla. They had no intentions of putting forth a decent game console. Their only goal was to win the high def disc format war and could care less if they screwed over millions of their faithful following in the process. In the long run they lost a HUGE marketshare in the gaming industry and even though BD has the upper-hand over HDDVD, it hasnt even become a blip on the screen when compared to overall DVD sales. It will be interesting to see if Blu-Ray becomes a household staple before it is made obsolete by on demand high def. I seriously doubt BD ever becomes a mainstream format due to the increasing technological advances being made daily in data transfer rates as well as large capacity solid state hard drives. Posted Jan 28, 2008 3:17 pm PT I dont really understand why everyone is down rating zoe256 comement since its true. Blu-Ray is the only format by Sony that was well marketed and succesfull. Just look at beta max, MD and UMD and tell me im wrong.

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